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Ordering Our Candles

We used to sell at Farmers' Markets and in some retail stores but with the Covid troubles we are now doing almost all selling by mail.

We ship by Canada Post, and we have had no problems with them - it has been good service all around.

Our prices are on the catalogue page, and we share the cost of mailing by charging a flat fee of $12 for postage and packaging for addresses anywhere in Canada. We do not ship to the USA.

We accept payment before we ship. E-transfers work very well for us.

We use Paypal to process credit card transactions. You do not need to have a PayPal account to pay in this way.

We do not charge HST or GST.

You can contact us by email, at [email protected].

Or by mail at BeeIlluminated Chandlery, RR #2 Wentworth, NS B0M 1Z0

Home | Our Catalogue | Ordering Information
Contact Us | Working with Beeswax | Burning Beeswax Candles
Frequently Asked Questions